Āyurveda 101:

Science of Life

Date: Saturday - April 13th
Time: 9.30am-12pm & 1.30-4pm PACIFIC TIME
Zoom: Invites will be sent out before the course and each Sat.
Recordings: all classes with be recorded and available 24/7
OPEN TO ALL - No prerequisites

Āyurveda is the art and science of harmonious living. "Āyur" meaning life and "Veda" meaning deep knowledge. Āyurveda is the ancient Indian science and wisdom of how to live a healthy and balanced life, which is to live in accord with natural law.

To find balance we must first understand our individual nature. According to Āyurveda, each person is comprised of three fundamental energies called Vāta, Pitta and Kapha.

Every person has their own individualized blend of these basic energies from birth and this is our "constitution". If we know our innate nature, then we can organize our routines, diet, practice and lifestyle to find our way back to the balance that is our fundamental nature when interacting with an ever-changing world.

Being a truly holistic mind-body healing system, its roots are interwoven with those of all other Vedic traditions, as they find their common source in the Veda itself.

This seminar will introduce you to this incredible self-healing science for making immediate changes in your life for better health and happier living.

In this seminar you will learn:

  • Why anyone can immediately benefit from a basic knowledge of Āyurveda.
  • What Vata, Pitta and Kapha are and why it is vital to know one's unique "prakṛti" or constitution; and how to determine what type you are.
  • How Āyurveda is a holistic science with many healing modalities.
  • About the Seven Vital Tissues of the body and how they act when in balance and when they are out of balance.
  • How to determine when you are out of balance and what to do find your equilibrium of health again.
  • Tips on a daily routine to help keep in balance through simple techniques anyone can do for your individual constitution.
  • And much more...

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