Sādhe Sātī

One Day Course

Time: Over 5 hours of course lectures

Class Recording - will be available for review for one year.

Open to all who have a foundational understanding of Vedic Astrology. You must be able to navigate through a Vedic chart or this is not for you.

Most people familiar with Vedic Astrology, or Indian culture in general, have heard of the infamous Sādhe Sātī. It’s reputation is echoed through ashrams, Yoga-shalas and households in hushed tones of anticipation and anxiety at its coming, and with sighs of relief at it’s ending.

But, what is this fabled time of seven and a half years in one’s life, and is it always such a challenge as the gossip says it might be? Could it possibly turn out well?

Many students have asked these questions each year after they too heard the whispers of its influence. We will go deep into the logic, reasoning and lore of the magnificent Saturn’s influence when it transits near one’s natal Moon, and discover it’s myriad possible indications and possible outcomes.

We will use multiple example horoscopes to learn how this important pattern plays out in real life.


Topics covered include:

  1. How Sādhe Sātī is calculated.
  2. Vedic lore around this important event and how we can translate its meanings into modern life.
  3. Which portions of the 7.5 years are more impactful than others using general and specific methodologies.
  4. Many universal and practically applicable outcomes with discussion on which might be more likely to manifest.
  5. Multiple alternative methods of interpreting the outcomes.
  6. How to apply discretion in both interpretation and communication about this event.
  7. An alternative method of calculating the timing of the Sādhe Sātī.
  8. How to handle retrogression and other confusing factors.
  9. Some discussion around Upāyas, or remedial measures, that might be used during such periods.

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