Live Webinar

  • 18 Classes – 2 hours each
  • Aug 19th – Dec 16th, 2024
  • Each Mon. at 4.00pm PT/ 6.00pm CT/ 7.00pm ET
  • All classes recorded as usual.

Level 2 is a continuation and deepening of the material taught in Level 1. This Level helps to solidify and integrate the material taught in Level 1.

You will be introduced to new key concepts which build a solid foundation in chart interpretation that you will continue to use your entire Jyotish life.

Most students find that the new material introduced in Level 2 fits in easily with what they have already learned and helps in taking that next step in chart analysis.

Finally there will be a Level 2 Chart Pro Forma given at the end of the course, which aids in organizing your approach to reading a horoscope efficiently and accurately.

Course Topics

  • Loads of integration from Level 1 material.
  • Panca-Vicara - 5 levels of chart analysis
  • Sambandha and Linkage - The Golden Keys of Bhava Vicara - how to build a story-line from Bhava & lord interactions and placements.
  • Yoga Vicara - usage and integration of Yogas from Phaladeepika; focusing on Raja yogas and Dhanas for understanding place and position in the world.
  • Dasha Vicara - how to bring timing into making accurate predictions
  • Navamsha calculation and usage
  • Various other Bhava Vicara principles of interpretation
  • Level 2 Chart Preparation Pro Forma - a step by step guide to preparing the chart for a reading.


Meet Your Teacher - Steven Highburger

Steven has been deeply immersed in Vedic Studies since the 90’s and is a teacher of Vedic Astrology, Ayurveda, Hasta, Vastu and Sanskrit.

Steven studied intensively with the world renowned master of Vedic Traditions, Hart deFouw, and also received the highest level of certification from the American College of Vedic Astrology (A.C.V.A.). Steven is a graduate of the Ayurvedic Institute of New Mexico where he spent 4 years studying classical Ayurveda under the direction of Dr. Vasant Lad.

He is on Faculty at Mt Madonna College of Ayurveda and also teaches at Southern California University of Health Sciences. Steven teaches internationally and maintains a busy private practice in San Anselmo, CA.